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Register research projects and funding

Researchers at Aalborg University can register research projects and grants (awards) in Pure for display and dissemination via Aalborg University's Research Portal, VBN.


Register research projects and funding

Researchers at Aalborg University can register research projects and grants (awards) in Pure for display and dissemination via Aalborg University's Research Portal, VBN.

Researchers at Aalborg University can register and show the entire research process - from an application to a grant and to the project based on the specific grant. Other content can be related to the project in order show and report the project output.

It is possible to register an application and create a grant and project based on the data from the application. You can also register a grant and create a project based on the data from the grant - and vis versa - in order to save time.

Project in VBN - Aalborg University's Research Portal
Project in VBN - Aalborg University's Research Portal
Poul Meier Melchiorsen

How to register research project in Pure

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How to register research project in Pure

In need of assistance?

Are you in need of support and advice on how to make your research visible through Aalborg University's Research Portal, VBN? The VBN Team offers online support and teaching to help and advise you on registration of research in Pure (the system supporting VBN).

VBN TeamLog in to PureVBN Research Portal