Research Collaboration and GDPR
Research Collaboration and GDPR

Research Collaboration and GDPR
Research Collaboration and GDPR

Research collaboration and GDPR
At Aalborg University, the standard agreements form the legal framework for research projects. Below you will find the collaboration agreement that fits your research project.
If you need to process personal data in connection with your research project, we have compiled advice, guidance and templates on the site personal You can read more in the section ‘Data protection (GDPR) at Aalborg University’ on this page.
Do you have a specific question you are welcome to contact us at or
Collaboration with Danish parties
Research collaboration with one external party
Agreement - Patentable results may be generated
Samfinansieret Forskning Med Optioner Til Patenterbar Forgrundsviden 2023Appendix 1 - Standard Terms
Standardvilkaar For Samfinansieret Forskning Med Optioner Til Patenterbar Forgrundsviden 2021Appendix 2 - Project description
Bilag 2 ProjektbeskrivelseAppendix 3 - Budget
Bilag 3 BudgetAgreement - Patentable results may not be generated
Samfinansieret Forskning Uden Patenterbar Forgrundsviden 2023Appendix 1 - Standard Terms
Standardvilkaar Samfinansieret Forskning Uden Patenterbar Forgrundsviden 2021Appendix 2 - Project description
Bilag 2 ProjektbeskrivelseAppendix 3 - Budget
Bilag 3 BudgetCollaboration with Danish parties
Research collaboration agreement with two or more external parties
Agreement - Patentable results may be generated
Samfinansieret Forskning Med Optioner Til Patenterbar Forgrundsviden Konsortium 2023Appendix 1 - Standard Terms
Standardvilkaar Samfinansieret Forskning Med Optioner Til Patenterbar Forgrundsviden Konsortium 2021Appendix 2 - Project description
Bilag 2 ProjektbeskrivelseAppendix 3 - Budget
Bilag 3 Budget KonsortiumAgreement - Patentable results may not be generated
Samfinansieret Forskning Uden Patenterbar Forgrundsviden Konsortium 2023Appendix 1 - Standard terms
Standardvilkaar Samfinansieret Forskning Uden Patenterbar Forgrundsviden 2021Appendix 2 - Project description
Bilag 2 ProjektbeskrivelseAppendix 3 - Budget
Bilag 3 Budget KonsortiumCollaboration with foreign parties
Research Collaboration
The agreements will be available soon
Agreement - One external party
Agreement - Two or mor external parties
Consultancy Agreement
Consultancy Agreement on revenue funded research activities
Consultancy Agreement
Consultancy Agreement 2023Standard Terms
Standard Terms For Revenue Funded Research 2023Project Description
Appendix 2 Project Description Consultancy AgreementIndustrial PhD project
Project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark
Industrial Phd Project Agreement IFDIndustrial PhD project
Project is not funded by Innovation Fund Denmark
Industrial Phd Project AgreementPhD Student on private basis
Agreement on enrolment of a PhD Student on private basis
Data protection/GDPR
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
Grants and Contracts serves AAU's faculties and institutes to comply with data protection, as part of good scientific practice. We also support the implementation of data protection in AAU's administration and educational activities.
Data protection is not the same in research, teaching and administration.
Therefore we have created the site, which is divided into four areas, each with its own focus on data protection:
- Research
- Teaching
- Administration
- Students
On the site you can get help with data protection as an employee and student. Here you will find instructions, answers to questions about data protection, as well as the agreements and templates you need.
www.persondata.aau.dkData protection is not the same in research, teaching and administration.
Therefore we have created the site, which is divided into four areas, each with its own focus on data protection:
- Research
- Teaching
- Administration
- Students
On the site you can get help with data protection as an employee and student. Here you will find instructions, answers to questions about data protection, as well as the agreements and templates you need.