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Hands-on assistance with data science

CLAAUDIA Data Science Assistance consists of a range of services provided to all AAU researchers with an interest in utilising data science methods to elevate their research. We act as a consulting service, answering specific questions related to data science operations, and work to help you reach your goals.

Find out more about CLAAUDIA

Hands-on assistance with data science

CLAAUDIA Data Science Assistance consists of a range of services provided to all AAU researchers with an interest in utilising data science methods to elevate their research. We act as a consulting service, answering specific questions related to data science operations, and work to help you reach your goals.

Find out more about CLAAUDIA

Support for data driven research

A data scientist is someone who knows how to use a programming language to extract insights from more or less complex datasets. The process can involve coming up with a method for acquiring the data needed, understanding it's analytical potential and how it can be communicated to effectively convey the findings of the research.

This is exactly what you can get from CLAAUDIA Data Science Assistance. We are experts in the programming languages used in data science and the tools used to support these operations.

Our primary objective is to do what we can to broaden the scope of what is possible for AAU's researchers. We are happy to consult with you on the specificities of your own research.

How can we help?

Get in touch if you are interested in any of the following:

  • Acquring, preparing and analysing data.
  • Upskilling research groups through courses.
  • Recomendations regarding the software setup for data science.
  • Communicating research findings by leveraging visualisation tools.
  • Deploying models and web applications.

Hiring out

A project may also require a dedicated resource, and a data scientist can be bought out by your research project for a period of time. Contact us to learn about the possibilities.

Reach out for support

Daily support and general questions
For all support needs, questions and requests related to the availability, use and troubleshooting of AAU and CLAAUDIA provided systems and data management, please contact us through the official AAU service portal.
We are located at:
Fredrik Bajers Vej 1, A-1-65
9220 Aalborg Ø